Disseminating New Knowledge throughPublic Engagement

April 2023
Overview Of Uveitis
Dr Soumyava Basu
In the latest post, Dr Soumyava Basu from LVPEI provides an overview of Uveitis – the symptoms, its causes, diagnosis, treatment options, prevention, and management.

June 2023
Cataract: An Overview
Dr. Rashmi Deshmukh
Cataracts are estimated to cause more than 50% of blindness cases in India. They can affect people of all age groups, including children and middle-aged adults, although they are more commonly associated with aging. In her article, Dr. Rashmi Deshmukh from LVPEI outlines the types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of this very common condition.

July 2023
Visual Assistive Devices For Better Quality Of Life
T.V. Aishwarya
In a two-part series, the Institute for Vision Rehabilitation at LVPEI engages with the readers on how technological advancements can make a difference in the lives of people with vision impairments and low vision. In the first part, TV Aishwarya, a rehabilitation counsellor educates the audience about different assistive devices available in India and how they can help people with low vision with their daily tasks.

August 2023
How To Plan For Vision Telerehabilitation
Dr Beula Christy,
In the second installment of the two-part series, the Institute for Vision Rehabilitation at LVPEI delves into the realm of technological advancements and their potential to positively impact the lives of individuals dealing with vision impairments and low vision. Dr Beula Christy discusses the role of telerehabilitation as a tool for expanding healthcare services to those with vision impairments, overcoming potential barriers to access.

January 2023
Eye Donation and Eye Banking
Dr Sunita Chaurasia
Dr Sunita Chaurasia, Medical Director to The Ramayamma International Eye Bank, LVPEI explains the state of eye banking in India and busts the myths surrounding eye donation, while emphasizing on how simple the process is and how noble the cause.

October 2022
Overview of Retinitis Pigmentosa
Dr Deepika Parameswarappa
In this month’s article, Dr Deepika Parameswarappa (LVPEI) along with Dr Subhadra Jalali (LVPEI) takes the audience through all there is to know about Retinitis Pigmentosa, including causes, symptoms, prevention and management.

May 2022
How to cope with Vision Loss
Dr Beula Christy
Vision Rehabilitation is recommended for people with no vision or low vision, both children and adults, to enable them to live as independently as possible. Ms. Beula Christy, PhD, Head, Institute for Vision Rehabilitation, LVPEI explains how vision rehabilitation can be customized to suit the specific needs of the people concerned.