Insightful discussions on the Topics that Matter
RSSDI VRSI Guidelines for Diabetic Retinopathy
The changing role of patient engagement in research
A Retrospective and Research Agenda for the Business and Economics of Eye Care and Health
US Health Insurance Landscape in the Wake of AI-Driven Changes
Big Data and Machine Learning in Pharma
Transformation from traditional to decentralised clinical research
Webinar on Cuttlefish to Clinic - A journey translating research to product for the public
Multichannel Delivery in Healthcare: The Impact of Telemedicine centres in Southern India
Patient Safety and Patient Reported HarmÂ
Health Insurance - A viable risk management strategy for the present time ?
Relevance of Kindness Research for Global Health & Beyond
Eye Health Systems - Teleophthalmology
Ophthalmic Packages under PMJAY
Eyecare and the Carbon Footprint
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Economic growth and health
Coping with Omicron
Supply chains for medical products
Access to dEYEabetes Care in India
Study Designs in Public Health