Influencing policy by answering theRight Questions
IHOPE Journal of Ophthalmology (official publication of IHOPE) is a quarterly, international journal. This peer-reviewed journal provides a forum for presentation and discussion of original research articles in the field of ophthalmology. Studies related to big data analysis, public health, health economics and outcomes research will remain its primary focus. The journal facilitates the dissemination of information through original research articles, review articles, editorials, letter to editor, meta-analysis and commentaries.

The journal aims to develop, promote and exchange scientific knowledge and co-operation between clinicians, scientists, health economists and others involved in the field of ophthalmology and public health. It proposes to address important economic and public health related questions for improving interventions and policy in eye care and more broadly in other healthcare contexts. The wider scope of this journal is to bring together experts from varied specialties who will bring in new perspectives to improve health care delivery in the world.